hawanja on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hawanja/art/Cthulhu-Statue-262836914hawanja

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hawanja's avatar

Cthulhu Statue



This is a sculpture I did of he who lies in R'lyeh dead dreaming. I used liquid latex to create the mold and cast them in plaster. Managed to get three statues made before the mold became unusable.

I'll probably sell these for $30 or so. I anyone wants one feel free to PM me.


Edit 10/21/11:

This piece has been featured on the Propnomicon, check it out below:


Edit 11.7.11:

These statues are now available on my Etsy shop, for $25 + shipping


Edit 01.15.12 - All statues have been sold!
Image size
996x2316px 1.54 MB
© 2011 - 2024 hawanja
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jade-eyed-jinchuriki's avatar
Ok-forgive me for sounding stupid-but how do you pronounce this thing's name? I feel like I'm screwing it up in mental enunciation even!